Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Second Candidate Statement

For further information regarding my candidacy contact me at: 785-3176 (H) or 559-280-6820 (cell)

In my first candidate statement, I felt you needed and deserved to know what decision making process I would use to establish my positions on issues affecting The Sea Ranch.

In my second candidate statement, I will state what my positions actually are on those issues.

I feel you need and deserve to know that as well.

I will also state my philosophical positions with regard to being a board director, as I believe this is the bedrock foundation which determines how effective, successful and significant a board director will be.

Issue Positions

1) The Budget

I am in favor of the 2008-2009 budget, and though I have serious concerns about the future impact of a 10.5% dues assessment increase, would have voted for it had I been a member of the board. Here's why.

Let me be clear, I am not pleased about 10.5% assessment increase. However in 2001, the average price of a gallon of gas was $1.51. Currently, the average cost of a gallon of gas is $3.17 ($3.66 in California); well over a 100% increase.

I'm not pleased about that either.

The point is that energy costs have gone through the roof, and we need to realize we're all going to be affected by that, in addition to ordinarily expected increases due to improvements and new projects. Does that mean we should anticipate a 10.5% increase again next year?


Actually, the 2009-2010 projected assessment increase is approximately 8.77%. It's still more than we would like, but it's not 10.5%. In addition, 8.77% is only projected, not etched in stone. As a board director, I would work with other board directors, Association Staff and the Finance Committee to explore options which might allow us to reduce the 8.77% increase, and it is my firm belief that we can.

However, it would be disingenuous to promise the membership that dues will stay the same or decrease. While I certainly would approve of that, I believe that the reality of our situation makes it very unlikely.

2) Bluff Erosion

I support, without reservation, the notion that bluff erosion with all its geological, engineering and political considerations, should be addressed with due diligence and all deliberate speed. Bluff erosion is inevitable. However, that doesn't mean that we can't or shouldn't address the concerns of our neighbors on the bluff, whether they live in the north, south or the heavily hit Sea Ranch Unit 28, near Walk On Beach.

I agree with many that the bluff erosion issue is a political "hot potato."

My reaction is this: "Throw it to me. I won’t throw it back, and I won't drop it."

3) Fire Prevention

Dry areas of our state which are subject to hot desert winds are different from The Sea Ranch, with its on shore ocean breezes and wet climate, which reduce the danger of fire significantly.

However, I am also aware that my neighbors and I, who live in the forested areas on the east side of Highway 1, would be most impacted by a fire, should one occur.

I’m also sensitive to the concerns of those who have lived through terrifying wild fires such as those which struck the Oakland hills and many areas of Southern California.

An effective risk management strategy strives to prevent the likelihood of something bad happening, but when it does, the strategy then strives to reduce the amount of damage that will occur. I believe our Fuel Management Plan does both.

Consequently, I am in favor of the Fuel Management Plan as constituted, would have voted for it as a member of the board and will support future efforts to improve the program.

4) Community Service District

As I believe the long term benefits and advantages of local control by Sea Ranchers are obvious, I am in favor of the continuing efforts of The Sea Ranch Association with regard to becoming a Community Service District.

5) The Sea Ranch Water Company

It is my position that The Sea Ranch Water Company, with an estimated value in excess of 50 million dollars, is our greatest community asset, and as such, I am in favor of its continuing upgrade generally and specifically with regard to Tank #8.

6) Design Compliance and Environmental Review

I believe having recently completed construction of my Sea Ranch home in June 2006, gives me a "real time" perspective with regard to the challenges facing both association and design committee members.

It is my position that the duty of a board member is to support both members of the design committee and members of the association. I also reject categorically the notion that the relationship between association members and the design committee is necessarily adversarial.

I believe that notion to be seriously misguided and counterproductive.

In addition, it has been suggested that the design committee presents a moving target that is impossible to hit. I respectfully disagree, as that suggestion ignores reality. Sea Ranch homes are constructed all the time.

I maintain that the design committee doesn’t present a moving target. The Sea Ranch is known throughout the world for its unique and visionary architecture. That’s not because the architectural design target is a moving one, but rather because it is a small one. And, it should be.

7) John Fox

It is my steadfast belief that Community Manager John Fox is a visionary who has taken The Sea Ranch Association to a new level of service and expertise. Subsequently, I endorse without reservation, his continuation as Community Manager and all efforts to support him and his staff.

Philosophical Positions

1) Fiscal Responsibility

I am in favor of exploring all avenues of cost savings including, but not limited to, the following:

A. Contracting with outside entities, whether persons or businesses
B. Utilizing existing staff having expertise outside the parameters of their current job description
C. Accessing the enormous supply of intellectual and creative “candle power” of Sea Ranch Association members

I believe the economic interests of Sea Ranchers will be best served by addressing needs before desires. However, I will not cut corners nor will I advocate doing things “on the cheap.”

In addition, I will not place the burden of cost cutting measures on the backs of Sea Ranch Association staff who will stand for hours, in the cold, dark, wet night repairing a water main break to make sure Sea Ranchers have hot running water to bathe and cold clear water to drink.

Finally, I will not be part of any group, or work in concert with any group, that seeks to do that.

2) A Board Director’s Greatest Asset

A board director’s greatest asset is his or her ability to find common ground while working “with” rather than “against” others in order to protect the integrity and welfare of The Sea Ranch and Sea Ranch Association Members.

In asking for you vote, please know that I would consider it both a pleasure and honor to represent you on The Sea Ranch Board of Directors

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